Political Tribalism: An LDS Perspective

"Third is public service. Even at your age, you can serve on school boards, charities, and in local, regional, and national governments. I would encourage men and women alike to engage this way. Where appropriate, involve yourself in politics with an eye on service and building individuals and communities. Avoid the political tribalism which has become so polarized, strident, and destructive across communities, countries, and continents. Join other politicians who are finding common cause to bring healing to troubled lives in their own jurisdiction and beyond. You can be a voice of balance and reason, advocating fairness in all corners of society. There is a growing need for you to contribute your energy to this kind of worthy civic engagement."


A Hallmark of the Lord’s True and Living Church

An Evening with Elder Patrick Kearon
Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults • May 6, 2018 • Brigham Young University–Idaho Center


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