When you have been on social media too long, and you have had every accusation thrown at you about this or that, download this app, or Chrome extension, and use it to take a breath. When we look at computer screens too much, and forget about the humans that live around us, that they just like us are people too; beings with emotion, passion, family, and friends; we get angry, because we are missing out on the emotional cues and physical consequences that happen when we are with actual people. We forget, how human we all are, no matter what we believe, and how much it differs from other people, that we all have divinity within us.
Take some time, take a breath, get some Space from the hardwirers of hate and division.
When you have been on social media too long, and you have had every accusation thrown at you about this or that, download this app, or Chrome extension, and use it to take a breath. When we look at computer screens too much, and forget about the humans that live around us, that they just like us are people too; beings with emotion, passion, family, and friends; we get angry, because we are missing out on the emotional cues and physical consequences that happen when we are with actual people. We forget, how human we all are, no matter what we believe, and how much it differs from other people, that we all have divinity within us.
Take some time, take a breath, get some Space from the hardwirers of hate and division.
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