
Showing posts from December, 2018

The Welfare State is Committing Suicide By Artificial Intelligence

The Hamburger Problem

A great post. I once worked for an environmental group once. I was the token conservative in the group. Knowing me, you should know I'm not as bad as some people think we are. I wore a green camo Browning hoodie to a party. I was feeling lonely, as everybody was drinking. The leader of the group comes up. His name was Josh (name has been changed). He went up to me and said, "I used to be a hunter. I killed a few deer. But then I became vegan." My mind immediately went to tofu, and while he had tried in a nice way to be my friend, it still felt rather passive-aggressive, and I felt like I wasn't feeling very much a part of the group, considering how many people are vegan in your average environmental group. This story at the Business Insider is a good explanation of this phenomenon, and what people can do to change it. Making me feel bad about hunting and eating meat--which is non policy makes me less likely to vote in favor of environmental issues or climate change--w